Customer Support and FAQ

We are a tiny company, with no extra employees to take care of customer support, so please be patient when you contact us. Before you take contact, read through our FAQ, to see if there is an answer to your request there, if not feel free to Contact us.


Shipping costs seem unreasonably high, what is going on?

When you order from the Synergy Shop, you are buying directly from the artist. This means that if you buy products from two or several different artists, you will also pay  separate shipping fees, as they are sent from different locations. Also, we are situated in Norway and shipping costs out from here are high.  If you are in doubt, please contact us.

When will the product be shipped?

Each artist is responsible for the shipping of their products, and each artist have different routines. Generally products will be shipped within one week or so.

Where does the money go?

The money goes directly to the artists of each product, except a small shop fee and the regular bank and PayPal fees. On the receipt you get from Paypal you will be able to see where the money goes.

What if I don’t receive the goods, or something is wrong with the ordered goods?

You will have to contact the artist directly, preferably by e-mail. You will find the e-mail address in the order confirmation you should have received.

The order does not go through after Paypal checkout, what is wrong?

There are a thousand things that can go wrong here, but if you get all the way to Paypal and then something goes wrong, or simply nothing happens, the problem does not originate from our shop. Please make sure you have updated your browser and that your browser supports the actions needed for the Paypal payment. If the problem persist, please contact Paypal.

If everything goes fine, you should be redirected to an order confirmation page as well as receive emails both from our shop and from Paypal, that the order is placed.

Can I pay through something else than Paypal?

Yes, you can, but for now Paypal is the only service that works with our shop system. So to use other means you will have to contact us, make sure you give us your address, so we quickly can give you a price for the shipping and all the credentials you need.

We do plan to add many more payment options in the future.

I can’t find an answer here, what now?

Don’t worry, you can still get help. For any kind of technical issues with our web shop or page, please contact us through the form below.

If there is an issue that occurs after an order has been placed and payment is confirmed, please contact the artist whom you bought goods from. In the receipt you received from Paypal you will find the respective artist’s email address.

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