Astralseid: Spirit Symbiosis

Digital Album, released 7. May 2020.

Available on all streaming platforms.


Digital Album, Released 7. May 2020.

Available on all streaming platforms.

This album has been created parallel to Rúnahild’s album: Astralseid. In many ways these two albums are like twins, born at the same time with many similarities, but also their differences. Track 2: Astralseid, features on both albums but as two completely different versions. The process has been deeper than any, for both of us. We have gone deeper into the world of sound engineeering as well as deeper into our spiritual realms. A year with plentiful of experiences, hardships and moments of pure joy. All in all it has been a tough, but beautiful ride, so we hope you enjoy the fruits from our tree of life.


  • All songs recorded, mixed and mastered by Gustav Holberg and Runahild at Seidsang Studio.
  • Photography by Runahild.
  • Cover art by Runahild and Gustav Holberg.
  • Gustav Holberg: Electronics.
  • Runahild: Electronics, voice.


See also: